• A lawyer is left to care for a massacre survivor, who happens to be the son of his former client. His wife and daughter welcome the boy with open arms as part of the family. But as the kids get older, the daughter confesses her love for the boy. Soon, their complicated relationship ignites a revelation of secrets and harbored feelings, shaking the foundation of a family's love and trust.
  • 四个人的生活因为一个共同的目标——实施复仇——而交织在一起
  • 一名与丈夫关系冷淡的护士被分配到一个岛上工作,那里的男人对女人非常轻浮, 当她体验到人们的疯狂时,她必须想出一条离开岛屿的方法。
  • Peter (Sean de Guzman) was a videographer for weddings and events. However, on his free time (which is a lot lately), he hung out in a remote picturesque lakeside camping area where couples came to do their coupling in open air. Peter would stalk these couples and sneakily take videos of their lovemaking while getting himself off. He would then post these sex videos on an online porn site to make money out of them.One day, Peter was stalking a young woman Mia (Cara Gonzales) and videoed her while she was taking a shower. Instead of getting angry, Mia was friendly to him. However, she had a gruff and sinister-looking boyfriend RJ (Josef Elizalde) with her, who did not appreciate Peter hanging around with his girlfriend. The next time Peter was surreptitiously videoing Mia and RJ having sex, he witnessed Mia suddenly slash RJ in the neck.
  •      这只是说,“影响者”的定义已经改变了过去一年左右的根本。